MuMa – introduction to the
Museum of Mathematics project 

MuMa will be an inno­va­ti­ve cul­tu­ral insti­tu­tion pre­sen­ting mathe­ma­tics in an inte­re­sting man­ner, in the con­text of its histo­ry and its vario­us applications. 

The Museum of Mathe­ma­tics in Kór­nik (MuMa) is a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve pro­ject of Zakła­dy Kór­nic­kie Foun­da­tion and the Facul­ty of Mathe­ma­tics and Com­pu­ter Scien­ce of Adam Mic­kie­wicz Uni­ver­si­ty in Poznań.

The acti­vi­ty of MuMa will be aimed at pre­sen­ting mathe­ma­tics in a bro­ader per­spec­ti­ve than it is offe­red within for­mal edu­ca­tion, it will pro­vi­de an attrac­ti­ve follow-up to the scho­ol curriculum. 

The secrets of mathe­ma­tics and its appli­ca­tions will be explo­red thro­ugh edu­ta­in­ment and expe­ri­ments beco­ming an exci­ting adven­tu­re for chil­dren and the­ir parents. 

The soap bub­ble tries to sha­pe itself into a form that mini­mi­zes sur­fa­ce area and maxi­mi­zes sta­bi­li­ty, which is the sour­ce of shock resi­stan­ce. (Mathematikum/Rolf K. Wegst)

The Festival of Mathematics

The Festi­val of Mathe­ma­tics in Kór­nik is a full-day edu­ca­tio­nal event. It is open and free for everyone.

Form: par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the attrac­ti­ve acti­vi­ties is awar­ded and the cre­dits (stamps) are exchan­ged for pri­zes in a – so-called – Scot­tish Café.

Goal: convey­ing mathe­ma­ti­cal ide­as with the new, inte­rac­ti­ve and enga­ging methods. Inc­lu­si­ve education.

Histo­ry: the first edi­tion of the Festi­val was held in 2022, offe­red 15 acti­vi­ties and gathe­red over 1000 participants.

Festi­val of Mathe­ma­tics in Kór­nik is a uni­que ini­tia­ti­ve, both on local and on the nation­wi­de sca­le. Apart from its edu­ca­tio­nal value, it con­tri­bu­tes to equ­ali­zing the oppor­tu­ni­ties of the local com­mu­ni­ty and is also part of a bro­ader pro­ject, which is the con­struc­tion of the Museum of Mathe­ma­tics in Kórnik.

Our partners


The­re are over 170 exhi­bits on 1,200 squ­are meters. The museu­m’s on-site pro­gram is expan­ded by a tra­ve­ling exhi­bi­tion that can be visi­ted any­whe­re in Euro­pe. The who­le offer enri­ches the tourist and edu­ca­tio­nal valu­es​of the Hes­se region in Germany. 


The Natio­nal Museum of Mathe­ma­tics, repe­ate­dly award-winning, e.g. for enhan­cing the deve­lop­ment of the local com­mu­ni­ty. Hono­red with the titles of the most fasci­na­ting museum in New York and the best museum for chil­dren. It orga­ni­zes perio­dic exhi­bi­tions, as well as con­certs and conferences. 

Mathematics is everywhere 

Walt Disney Con­cert Hall in Los Ange­les – a buil­ding desi­gned by Frank Gehry

The leaves of licu­ala cor­da­ta palm gro­wing in the fore­sts of the South-East Asia

Anten­nae Gala­xies – col­li­ding gala­xies NGC 4038 and NGC 4039