MuMa – introduction to the
MuMa will be an innovative cultural institution presenting mathematics in an interesting manner, in the context of its history and its various applications.
The Museum of Mathematics in Kórnik (MuMa) is a collaborative project of Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
The activity of MuMa will be aimed at presenting mathematics in a broader perspective than it is offered within formal education, it will provide an attractive follow-up to the school curriculum.
The secrets of mathematics and its applications will be explored through edutainment and experiments becoming an exciting adventure for children and their parents.
The Festival of Mathematics
The Festival of Mathematics in Kórnik is a full-day educational event. It is open and free for everyone.
Form: participation in the attractive activities is awarded and the credits (stamps) are exchanged for prizes in a – so-called – Scottish Café.
Goal: conveying mathematical ideas with the new, interactive and engaging methods. Inclusive education.
History: the first edition of the Festival was held in 2022, offered 15 activities and gathered over 1000 participants.
Festival of Mathematics in Kórnik is a unique initiative, both on local and on the nationwide scale. Apart from its educational value, it contributes to equalizing the opportunities of the local community and is also part of a broader project, which is the construction of the Museum of Mathematics in Kórnik.
Our partners
There are over 170 exhibits on 1,200 square meters. The museum’s on-site program is expanded by a traveling exhibition that can be visited anywhere in Europe. The whole offer enriches the tourist and educational valuesof the Hesse region in Germany.
The National Museum of Mathematics, repeatedly award-winning, e.g. for enhancing the development of the local community. Honored with the titles of the most fascinating museum in New York and the best museum for children. It organizes periodic exhibitions, as well as concerts and conferences.