The Festival of Mathematics

The Festi­val of Mathe­ma­tics in Kór­nik is a full-day edu­ca­tio­nal event. It is open and free for everyone.

Form: par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the attrac­ti­ve acti­vi­ties is awar­ded and the cre­dits (stamps) are exchan­ged for pri­zes in a – so-called – Scot­tish Café.

Goal: convey­ing mathe­ma­ti­cal ide­as with the new, inte­rac­ti­ve and enga­ging methods. Inc­lu­si­ve education.

Histo­ry: the first edi­tion of the Festi­val was held in 2022, offe­red 15 acti­vi­ties and gathe­red over 1000 participants.

Festi­val of Mathe­ma­tics in Kór­nik is a uni­que ini­tia­ti­ve, both on local and on the nation­wi­de sca­le. Apart from its edu­ca­tio­nal value, it con­tri­bu­tes to equ­ali­zing the oppor­tu­ni­ties of the local com­mu­ni­ty and is also part of a bro­ader pro­ject, which is the con­struc­tion of the Museum of Mathe­ma­tics in Kórnik.